1) Damn long queue before entering the club ( Luckily we manage to cut queue, is damn tired and hot to keep on waiting you see, first time cut queue at club, so happy! =P)
2) Is damn crowded! ( But compare to MOS, there are more 'hot chicks' around and still can find some spaces to dance)
3) The DJ sucks! Just because most of the people there are young kids or noobs, he can still get some great remixes for our dance, the music are too old and I think he lack of creativity.
4) No alcohols! How are you going to get high when
there's no alcohols man, but no choice because is underage party after all.
5) $20 per entry for a special club event, expensive? ( I can get free entry at MOS for club events)
I think I'm getting old, I can still dance well but not as energetic as I used to be or should I say the party wasn't that high enough due to no alcohols and boring remixes. Abby they all kept asking me to go on stage to show off my dances but I couldn't find any fun in it now, maybe when is in a bigger group then you will be able to see me attracting everyone attention onto the stage! =D
Oh by the way, just some advices for those noob clubbers out there, please don't stand at the dance floor doing nothing and just looking around like a fool. Especially guys! many guys like to stand there and look at girls only, if you really want to attract their attention, SHOW YOUR MOVES! (^_-)
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, May 27, 2007,8:07 AM Courage
Sometimes you will suddenly appear in my mind I'm not sure if I have make the right decision that time Maybe I have taken a wrong step By not even trying to express my love for you Somehow I hates the feeling of being a coward Love indeed needs a lot of courage to have it....
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuckwei's SteamBoat
As You Can See, Tuckwei's Steam Boat is Back In Business! Customers= T09 & Dear Friends
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, May 25, 2007,11:41 PM Drawing
I love drawing so much!!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, May 24, 2007,5:37 AM Anything? % Whatever?
I can be easily satisfied by 'Anything' I'm easy. I'll take 'Whatever' you give me.
Sounds familiar to you? Nope? Well let's take a look at this picture Still no idea what's these are? You look out dated don't you? Never mind let's have a look at this video then.
Interesting? I like the concept a lot, is very creative and interesting with unique cover design on the can. 2 different drinks with different tastes waiting to surprise you. I have tried 'Anything' during my lunch earlier on and I got the 'Cola Cola With Apple' flavor. Guess most of you are curious about what tastes these drinks are offering, here's the list of flavors for you to have a look.
'Anything' Cola Cola with -------------------- 1. Lemon 2. Apple 3. Fizz Up 4. Cloudy Lemon 5. Root beer
'Whatever' 'Ice Tea' -------------------- 1. Lemon 2. Peach 3. Jasmine Green 4. White Grape 5. Apple 6. Chrysanthemum
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, May 22, 2007,9:47 AM Spider-Man 3
Just watch Spider Man 3 at 'Princess Cinema' beside my place
Sometimes I don't like to rush to the cinema to watch latest movie and worry about tickets sold out, will be damn disappointing when you can't get the ticket. So I would take the time and wait for a few weeks before the movie is gone. I went to watch Spider Man alone, sounds miserable right, well sometime is not bad to watch movie alone too, $5 only and so is still worth it. =D
I prefer Venom more than Spider-Man, although he is a evil freak but he is damn cool and powerful. I like his suit too, is a bit disgusting to have a black substance crawling over you but Venom still rocks. Spider Man is not bad too but somehow I find him a bit boring after some times.
Rating- Story Line 3/5 Graphic Effect 4/5 Exciting Scenes 3.5/5 Character Wise 3.5/5
Average Rating 3.5/5
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, May 21, 2007,12:53 AM Time Flies!
Just visited Larry blog and saw his latest post entry about Qiu Bing, our ex-BNSS classmate Congrats her on her new marriage and of cause the best part is.. her new born baby! Is been years since I last saw her at parkway where she used to work at a 'Shark Fin' shop there.
Although not so close to her already but I still feel very happy for her. Like what Larry said at his blog, is really amazing that she have move into a new stage of her life and in my view, I believe that she have found her real happiness.
What can I say.. Time really flies ! So many great and bad memories that we shared during our secondary school life, all those smoking, stealing, gang debate sessions and etc. Gosh! we are bad kids man. But looking at the whole thing, we truly learn a lot and that's what make us who we are now.
There's a lot of times when we hope that we can own a time machine and turn back the time. A few years ago I hope to be 18 and become a young adult, reason is simple, I'm able to do a lot of things after 18 and others won't treat me like kids anymore. I would try to be mature by getting a mature outfit and speak in a mature tone. Years later, I'm trying to act childish because I dislike the feeling of getting old, so many things to face and so much responsibly to carry with me. Like what they always say, that's what life is all about, is either you face it or you give up on it. I choose to face it like I always did.
Think again, if we can just return to the past whenever we want to, will we cherish what we have? I don't think and we will never enjoy happiness in our life..
If you interested to see Qiu Bing baby boy photo, please visit Larry's blog from my link =D
**Hui Dao Guo Qu***
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, May 20, 2007,8:07 PM Salah
This is what I call as supreme dance
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, May 19, 2007,10:38 AM Friday Night
Jogging Session in the afternoon with QC Went to a famous western food restaurant call 'Aston' at Katong Like what DC said, is always full house during peak period So we waited for 30min before we finally get in The food is not bad and the price is consider reasonable, I will give a 4/5 rate for it Rain quite heavily for a short while and stopped when we arrived at Bugis Met up with Abby they for pub session So touched that they brought cakes for me and Joe, is not some expensive stuffs but filled with happiness in it Went to Boat Quay for pub session A friend of Abby know one of the pub owner there and we got some discounts on our drinks This stupid 'CHIVAS' cost us $128 after discount, do you think it worth this price? LOLGot a bit drunk but lucky never vomit, anyway I will never drink until vomit, is just like throwing out your money away don't you think so. Well shall continue blogging tomorrow regarding my thoughts for pasta. Today is last day! =D
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, May 17, 2007,9:07 AM Reflections
So glad that it was peaceful day between you and I, not much of communication but at least with no unhappy things happening. Recently I being asking myself about one question, am I a very good temper person? I do have some disagreement about things happening and unhappy with some people around, I like to complain a lot about all these and even thought of some childish plans on how to get my revenge in future. In the end, I did nothing at all, think I just like to talk for fun, at least won't hide anything unhappy inside my mind.
Some friends said that I'm giving in too much, I don't really know if I'm doing a right things by keeping a distance and giving in to you. I might look scared in this situation but somehow is because I'm too tired to argue or even talk to you, maybe is because what I only want to see is the happy face of your's. At least if we keep a distance, there will be no unhappiness or disagreement between us.
Some have asked me if I have totally forget about my love. I'm not a cold-blooded creature, so if I say that I have totally forget it, it will be a lie to you. It will take some more time, but won't be too long because never stop seeking for your own happiness even when bad times occur.
If you ask me whether I have regretted going into relationship this time, I will answer a 'NO' because at least this time I have tried to put in my effort into it, not 100% effort yet but at least I tired. Think everything goes in a cycle, in the past I never put in effort into my relationship and treat my ex-girlfriend especially my first love good enough. Heard of 'regrets' so many times and yet after so long then I truly learn my lesson.
Heard about many stories related to family problems recently, I must really thanks my god for everything I have now. Every family do have family problems no matter how rich or happy they are, my family also have problems too, but after knowing their family stories, mine if nothing compare to them. So many unhappiness within them and some even led to divorce or violence cases, I'm really fortunate to have a small but happy family. Learn to cherish everyone who are close to you, your family, your love one and true friends, we only live once, enjoying life is one important thing but treasure everything is the one that make life so meaningful to us!
Believe In It!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, May 16, 2007,7:45 AM Funny Ah..
A Big Boss with a big cigar!
Big Boss Acting Cool.. 300?!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, May 13, 2007,9:55 AM Happy Mother Day & Happy Birthday..!
Brought a nice flower and a necklace as the Mother Day gifts for my mum Think is the first time I really buy something for her on this occasion Don't really understand about all these in the past Started to cherish everything I have now and treasure the time I have with my loves one !!!Happy Mother Day' to Every Great Mothers In This World!!!
!!!! Happy 21st Birthday To Mui Yong !!!! I'm really sorry that we came late and didn't stay at your party for very long But very glad that you like the presents Is not something expensive but is filled with our blessing and love inside May All Your Wish Come True! With Stars Shinning Above You! Happy Birthday To You!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, May 12, 2007,10:38 PM Best Dancer In Town!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
The Contiue...
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, May 11, 2007,11:16 PM A long Night..
Was damn busy during work last night, the crowd keep coming in without stopping until near 10 closing time. The outlet was in a mess, lots of things need to be top up, clean and arrange as afternoon crew didn't really get all things done especially at counter area, is a hard day for the cashier crew. We ended very late and due to the construction, situation get a bit worse man, is very messy! However I don't really care about all these anymore, next week is my last week at work and I'm just enjoying my last few weeks at work, I won't care how you think about my attitude at work really sucks or what, the fact is that is that I used to put in some good effort into this job but many people do not know and don't really appreciate much about it. Believe it or not then. You all just do your own work and don't come disturb me will do, I want to leave with at least some good memory of that place.
Left at around 12 and took a bus to 'Katong' before I take a cab to meet up with Larry, Michelle and Xing at 'Hong Kong Cafe' near 'East Coast Road' there. The food there is not bad, not very expensive and the food portion is consider big enough for me. The cafe is quite popular as is almost full house every time I pass by there. Chatted for a very long time from near 1 till 4:30 and we actually walked all the way back to 'Bedok' from 'Siglap' there. We took 1 hr to reach 'Bedok' interchange and I do agree with what Larry said, is a great stratification when you reach your destination. Somehow I do really enjoy this kind of night life occasionally even though is a bit tired with insufficient sleep. Being relaxing and enjoying this kind of simple 'happiness', I guess that's what many of us out there are looking for, especially with great friends and loves one accompany by your side, don't you think is something that we should treasure about..?
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, May 8, 2007,7:27 AM Question Time! (ROUND SHAPES)
Have you ever wonder why holes are in round shape and not in other shapes like square or triangle?
Some material used in industry are in round shape too, do you know why it is not in other shape?
Some one told me that engineers should know this kind of thing, well the answer do make sense but still look like craps to me..lol
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, May 7, 2007,7:39 AM 'Smack That' Retard Version
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, May 4, 2007,11:35 AM Part 3
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
“On the day when it was raining,
the feeling seems to be so cool
raining moment is still so true
wish that life can always be that peaceful"true”
"Happiness is the thing that I'm being searching for,