>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, September 28, 2007,7:28 AM End oF Month
I hate to admit this but time pass really damn fast! Now is already going to be the end of the month and the holiday only left with 3 more weeks to go Damn.. I have not really enjoy this holiday yet.. However I'm still glad that I manage to get a good job this time and learn some new knowledge along the way, can consider to be a meaningful holiday after all.
Last day of work for Xing and 12 more days for me Kinda used to working life now and I really hope the holiday can be a bit longer maybe about 2 additional weeks, at least can earn some more cash for my expenses and etc.. Too bad..
It seems like I haven't upload much photos on my blog recently. Too much words will just make the blog a bit bored but I know there's one thing that you all always look forward to when visiting my blog which is the spelling mistakes that I type out in my entries. Looks silly but somehow it has become a style for my blog, should feel proud it! HAHAHAHA
Dinner and club session tomorrow! Got another botak head to touch liao..hoho I am another gay..LOL
Oh anyway I found some photos to upload..
1st Story.... One day after having dinner at Katong 'Aston', saw a male gigolo standing beside the bus stop and waiting for a gay customer to approach him. Few minutes later a gay botak went to approach the gigolo and his face was capture in this photo!
2nd Story... During a beautiful night at the bridge between 'Mrlion' & 'Esplanade', Mr 'Ronaldo' asked a professional photographer to take this picture of him. How's the view of that night? Look at the photo description...
3rd Story... Still remember that night when we went to 'Thai Accent' at Vivo? This was so-called 'Thai Coffee' that I ordered that time Nothing special but I guess it is the brother of latte...?
Latest Story.. A 'Hello Kitty' clock that was brought a few days ago by my mum.. She is also another fan of 'Hello Kitty', no wonder my display cupboard got so many 'Hello Kitty'.. For those who are curious, it was a Sunday and the time was 9:40 when I took these photos Lame...
Old Story... Saw this photo and decided to display i Taken in year 2006 & it's one of my favorite neoprint Things change but.. Happy memories always bring out the best of it! ^_^
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, September 26, 2007,7:29 PM
Was browsing through my e-mails and saw this personality test send by Peng last time, I took the test and I found out that it's really quite accurate for me, therefore I wanna let you to try and maybe the result will be quite accurate for you as well.. So here it goes..
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What kind of season will you enjoy eating steamboat?
A. Winter ( To Qn 2)
B. Summer (To Qn 5)
C. No matter what season (To Qn 1)
1. Do you like to have some sauce on your food?
A. Like (To Qn 2)
B. Don't like (To Qn 5)
2. Will you add eggs in your steamboat soup?
A. Yes (To Qn 3)
B. No (To Qn 6)
3. If you find a cigaratte butt in ur steamboat food, what will you do?
A. Quarrel with the boss and request another new one. (To Qn 13)
B. Stop eating and just pay and go. (To Qn 10)
4. What is the main point ypu will consider for choosing a steamboat restaurant?
A. Famous ( To Qn 7)
B. Reasonable prices ( To Qn 8)
5. If the steamboat restaurant has a new product of steamboat, will you dare to try?
A. Yes ( To Qn 6)
B. No ( To Qn 8)
6. How many people do you like to have your steamboat meal with?
A. 2-3 soulmates ( To Qn 9)
B. A big group of friends ( To Qn 3)
7. If the steamboat restaurant is very crowded, will you wait for a seat
or go to another place?
A. Wait ( To Qn 11)
B. Proceed to another one ( To Qn 12)
8. What kind of food you like to add?
A. Noodle ( To Qn 9)
B. Vermicilli "Tang hoon" ( To Qn 7)
9. Will you drink the soup first or finish all the ingredients in the bowl then drink the soup?
A. Drink the soup first ( To Qn 10)
B. Eat the ingredients first ( To Qn 12)
10. If the boss tells you that you must add some SPECIAL and ODD
ingredient in the soup to make it more delicious, will you dare to add?
A. Yes ( To Qn 17)
B. No ( To Qn 13)
11. Will you drink a cup of cooling water after you finish this steamy hot meal?
A. Yes ( To Qn 15)
B. No ( To Qn 14)
12. When you are having your steamboat, do you put in your meat first or put in later?
A. Put it once the steamboat start ( To Qn 15)
B. Later part then put ( To Qn 11)
13. Do you like to put all types of food at one go into the steamboat or have it put in one type by one type?
A. All ( To Qn 17)
B. One type at a time ( To Qn 16)
14. What drink will you like to go with your meal?
A. Oolong Tea ( To Qn 16)
B. Plum juice ( Type A)
15. Do you like to have steamboat at home or outside?
A. Home ( To Qn 16)
B. Outside ( To Qn 14)
16. Will you mind if another customer is standing behind you, waiting for you while you are finishing your food?
A. Mind ( Type B)
B. Don't mind ( Type C)
17. You are already very full with your meal but the boss offer to let you have another steamboat meal, will you eat it?
A. Yes (Type D)
B. No ( To Qn 16) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TYPE A Shy, a bit of an introvert. You are more stubborn and like to stay alone quietly at home. To you, talking to strangers is a hard thing so you have not much friends. But you will still have some soulmates. You need to treasure people who care and love you. You are more interested in your own matters, you will try your very best to achieve your target. But you can't do everything alone, and just depend on yourself, learn to open up and accept other opinions. Try to get along with different people.
TYPE B You are a more active person, drawing a clear line between happiness and unhappiness. You are more quick-tempered. If you encounter things you like, you will do it without second thought. But once you encounter things that you hate, you will wish to get out of it as soon as possible. As you are a person of your own views, the friends you tend to have will be of the same pattern. But once good friends, you will understand them a lot and go all the way to help then. Friends are very dependent on you. As you are too emotional, you may make a storm out of a teacup with your friends. You must learn to do things in order and not give up easily. You can try making friends with those you don't think you can get along with, don't stick with the same category. This will make you more popular and charming.
TYPE C Gentle like a lamb. You have a high level of adaptance power, easy to get along with people. Very popular in social life but seems that no one will talk bad about you. You hate to have conflicts with people so you always try to adapt to everyone. You treat every person differently. To look at the bright side, you adapt easily. But to look at the dark side, you lack of character, although you are one big nice guy but you lack of charm. On the surface, you have a lot of friends but once you have troubles, you lack of soulmates to help you around. You must try to express yourself more and be more decisive. In this way, you can understand yourself more.
TYPE D You are stubborn, like to go in circles and don't get to the point. Once you decide on something, no one can change your mind. You are a good leader in a group so you win a lot of trust from your friends. But as you are too persistant on your own thinking, you neglect other people's suggestions therefore you can easily make enemies. Although it is good to maintain your own character but it doesn't mean you totally ignore other people's thoughts and feelings. You will let people think you are hard to handle and you will lose friends gradually and may end up alone. You need to learn to accept other people's opinion. This will make your social circle bigger and you will understand yourself better.
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, September 24, 2007,8:24 AM Guides & Warning
No idea on how to date a girl ? Let him provide you with the guides..lol
A big warning Don't ever do all these on a wedding event..lol
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, September 22, 2007,11:23 AM Before Sleep...
So is two plus in late night and just feel like blogging before sleep..
First of all, I wanna say something.. I saw a MONSTER just now!
Went to Orchard just now with Mr Lim and decided to wear a bit 'Hip' today as I am lazy to style my hair and etc. While walking pass 'Paragon', I saw this 'STUPID UGLY DISGUSTING MONSTER' standing at the middle of the street! He is also call Mr Lim but with a English name 'Steven' and so he is STEVEN LIM........ Gosh... If I'm not wrong he was looking for target for some stupid reason which I'm not interested to know. Well I really can't find words to describe him, all I can say is that if you think that I'm quite daring to dance in front of so many people, he is the 'Grand Master' of it then..
Oh and I saw Precilla too, not sure if the name is spell like this.. Anyway she still look cheerful and that's a good thing to see..lol
Quite a few events coming up in the following two weeks time, must spend wisely and prepare things for chalet at next weekend, this time might be a simple one but still can be fun with great friends around!
I need to learn and control my financial now, can no longer spend money so wild even though I still believe life should be enjoyable. Most of my current salary will be reserved for my driving license and save the remaining as much as possible. If I'm manage to get a part-time job after school semester starts, I'm thinking about getting a PSP slim! It looks so attractive to me nowadays.. Just feel like buying one straight away but still need to consider my budget.. Damn it.. I wanna a new bag and shirt from 'PUMA' too.. Hope can win some 4D soon..LOL
Somehow I find life a bit not interesting recently, what I mean is that currently there's no girl that I'm interested in even though there are a lot of nice girls around. I might be able to know some from Friendster or through friends and even have their contact as well, however I don't have the 'feel' to find them to chat which is something I used to be... Not sure what's the reason, all I know is that ever since the feeling towards 'her' has faded, there's no one who attracts me anymore. Looks sad but currently I hope to achieve something more important in life
I never dare to go for pretty girls because I think that they always look for either very handsome type or rich people, most of them are just those typical group of people. That's the reason why I never really go take any number from those girls at club, they can look very hot that particular night but most of them are not suitable for good relationship. But.. I still like clubbing nowadays because I love to dance! I really think is a stupid thing to go and take number from girls if you do not have anything to show, if you can't show money then at least show them you can dance, is a very fun thing to do at club if you manage to attract those hot babes to dance with you.. Haha
Recently I being teaching friends in school work and skill I find out that teaching sometimes can be a very happy thing to do when you know how to teach and they are able to understand from your teaching. Can imagine I becoming a teacher instead of business person? Well if my friends know about my ambition, first reaction is..... 'Wah, you wanna open a paikia school and recruit young students as your gang members ah..' Diao...........Maybe can become another 'GTO'.. hoho
Oh ya I am also considering on opening a food blog soon since trying great or new foods is always a part of my interest. See how bah..
Hope to get a digital camera soon so that I can take many nice photos and share with you all.
'I hope to achieve in many things but lack of motivation, Got dreams too but I think is silly'
Eh looks familiar hor..LOL Joe! Faster come out la Next week shall see another botak liao..Haha
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Bleach Blade Battle 2nd
A Big Fan Of Bleach ? & If You Own A PS2, this is the game that you shouldn't miss out
Bleach: Blade Battle 2nd The First Version was released about a year ago and this year they will be coming out with the second part of it. If I'm not wrong Singapore will bring in the game at the first week of October, pirated one don't ask me cos I have no idea to it..lol
Quite a few improvements have being made to the game and with new character in it such as Vizard and Arrancar I actually prefer Vizard more than Arrancar even though both of them are quite cool and fierce! Shinigami are so boring now..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, September 18, 2007,8:15 AM SIck..
Well having a 'SICK DAY' today.. Long time never get sick during working days.. Luckily the work wasn't that stress if not I might not able to take it in such condition
Oh two announcements to make
Classmates from TP:
We will be having a class chalet on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd of October (Mon, Tue & Wed) Location is at Aloha Changi
Since is already being booked Therefore help me spread this news around and tell them to give me a direct answer It just a 'Yes' or 'No' alright, don't give me any rubbish like 'Don't know' or 'See first', I already given a 1 week plus notice, don't tell me you can't plan your time schedule. Those who haven't reply me please reply me as soon as possible, I will call you all again if no reply is received by this Friday.
Gathering Session for our army friends:
On the 29th of this month which is next Saturday, we will be having a celebration for the return of Joe and maybe Dexter as well if he can join in on that day. Most of you have already involved and so this is just to confirm with you all again
We will have a dinner on that night, location will be decide by Jing they all After the dinner shall the a clubbing session! Hope everyone who are going that night can participate in both event alright.. Will see you all then :)
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, September 16, 2007,11:50 PM Happy
Another great song to introduce you and is sang by Dreamz FM Title is 'Ni Zuo Ye Hao' You might find it familiar or heard from somewhere before because it's actually one of the song from a local series drama 'Fu Man Ren Jian' Recently MediaCorp practice it's habit of re-board casting the show again Well Sometimes I just wondering why we pay each year to watch so much repeating and not-updated shows on TV. Luckily I like this series quite a lot, so it's alright to watch it again after so long..
Hey anyway the main thing is.. Just listen and relax .. :)
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Another weekend passed again... The schedule for the two weeks has being quite tight for me, apart from working, almost everyday have something on and busy especially during the weekends. Times seems to be damn short when i need it the most..
Somehow I feel that the holiday is not so enjoyable when you are working a full-time related job. Although mine is still a part-time job base but office work can never be so fun for me. I don't hate any jobs but maybe I'm too used to sales line and F&B where I can have more interaction with many different people. To me, talking with them and study their characteristics is a very interesting stuff, you will get amazed by all kind of people around you.
Anyway, last Friday we celebrated Xing's advance birthday and Joe army enlistment. We went to a Thai restaurant call 'Thai Accent' at Vivo City. It's a really nice place if you going for a higher class Thai cuisine and their food quality is quite 'solid' too. Some might not be able to accept Thai cuisine due to different reasons but for a 'flexible' guy like me, you should never reject any food that are nice as eating is always a enjoyable thing in life.
So is another pub session that night at Boat Quay 'Double C' In my view the pub is not bad in terms of service, atmosphere and friendliness of the waitress, the only thing that I don't like most is their KTV system. You can wait for so long that your drink is already finished and is still not your turn to sing. Oh well never mind then, anyway if I really wanna 'K', I can choose to go KBox or PartyWorld or even other pub too unless next time they can give us discounts on our drinks.
Too bad Joe need to leave early as the next day was the enlistment day. More and more friends around me have been enlist, will feel a bit sad that for them now as the feeling is like somehow losing a friend for a short while, however it will be happy to see them growing into a real man and able to settle down in life.
Hope him can stay strong, learn more things, have more faith in himself and become a even better person in future..!
Sometimes I has this feeling of joining them in army straight away, a bit regretted about retaining last time or else now I might already finished my Poly and getting enlist. But I still love being a student because nothing can ever beats a student life!
Hope this week can be a easy one for me, no tight schedule and able to get more rest. Since holiday started, I don't seems to have a lot of good rest and feel like many things are disappearing from my life.
I miss quite a few people recently, people like Bel and Azlin from my previous job..Hope all of them are doing fine now..
I have met the new head manager at PM Bugis and heard stuffs related to him as well. Please don't get any wrong meaning about these as I think he will a better in charge compare to the previous one. I never have any bad feeling with the previous in charge just that I don't prefer his style of handling where he will only do things after I voice out my thoughts and etc.
I mean why they always have to wait until at the last resort then willing to sort things out? That's a worse habit of many people and somehow including me as well? However it won't happen to me when I'm in charge..
Maybe my view is right, People who has the knowledge doesn't mean they can teach People who stay in a line for long doesn't mean they understand what they are doing People who get promoted doesn't mean they have the real ability People who are in charge doesn't mean they have the leadership!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, September 13, 2007,7:52 AM Last Lesson and New Knowledge
Well well.. Guess What Friday is coming again!
I'm not sure about others but for me, Friday is always the best day of the week And it's no different whether is during school days or at work Reason is simple.. You still got things to do during the daytime but you have manage to finish off up your work for the week and the satisfaction is definitely there. At the end of working time will be the time for your activities and gathering with friends. It's not something special but after all you will understand life is not just about earning money and you will know more about yourself..
Today got learned some new things again at work, I always like to learn new things and skills that can improve myself. Somehow I don't wish myself to become a useless person to others, is not trying to prove others how strong I really is but I just want to do something that are meaningful. Currently the new knowledge that I hope to learn is in Microsoft access and more understanding for excel as well , as for the skills will be concentrating on the driving and learn how to fix PS2.
Got back my result and all passed! Quite happy with it because I know there's no sub paper waiting for me, SO good..!
Earlier on just gave a last swimming lesson to a friend of mine. As a friend I am quite happy to see him able to swim now Although what I did was just guiding and teaching him all I know for these 4 days lesson But it feels good when you see that your teaching has let others in improving themselves Hey seriously I'm thinking about become a part time swimming instructor in future, after all I like swimming a lot and it will be best if you can do something that you like
Well of cos he had put in quite a lot of effort, just remember that practice makes perfect and BE$LIEVE in yourself that you can overcome the phobia.
TRUST is the word that many are lacking, there's a saying that I believe is so true..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, September 11, 2007,8:24 AM Is Salah Again
He's the best that I ever seen in the entire dance region None can ever complete with him and that's what I call as the 'BEST DANCE OUT OF THE BEST' Another great work by SALAH! Here it goes..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, September 9, 2007,8:49 AM The Old Feelings and Doubts
By looking at the title, don't think that I'm trying to act emotional again alright... I fully understand my own thoughts anyway
I still have a lot doubts to LOVE
Sometimes I still wondering does a love really need to consider some factors? Factors like let's say money issue.. Seriously, I find it hard to believe others when they said love doesn't involve any financial status.
Are you willing to share the cost with your love one, sacrificing all those entertainment's stuffs and always eating a $2+ meal at hawker? Maybe some girls can but the fact is that are you willing to accept a poor man as your Boyfriend/Husband and believe that a simple life is always happy? Face the fact....
Is age gap a problem? I am not sure about it either, there's some successful cases around me but will it work out for me as well? Does age really prove how mature that person is...
If you are only a guy studying in ITE, Poly or JC, do you dare to go after a girl who are older and is studying in a University? This is the biggest problem that I'm considering about all these time. The level of education might seems to be a important factor too, if a Poly guy is dating a university girl, will he able to put down his pride and face all the gossips around them? Even he can, do you think that the girl will really like a guy who don't have his own pride at all? Confusing...
Some more factors to consider but I do not wish to elaborate more. Feeling tired..
Seriously saying, I can be quite daring in relationship, but also a coward when all these factors appear in me. It was that old feeling again at the moment when we met, not sure if is a regret or not but at least thankful that I have met you in my life, no hurt feelings at all and happiness is there when I know love is so true.. :)
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Gathering X2
First of all, gonna wish Happy Birthday To Wan Qin
Yesterday Qin held her birthday celebration Serangoon Garden there, we arrived quite late at eight something and didn't manage to get some food at 'Chomp Chomp' there as they changed the location to a ice-cream cafe nearby. So sad man.. Miss some of the food over there but never mind, next week most likely I'm going again and this time is with T09buddies!
Hey but the ice-cream was nice as they are actually selling home-made ice-cream. 'DEAR'mui and I ordered the waffle with ice-cream and we agree that the taste is good. Name of the cafe is called 'ICE 3', if I'm not wrong the '3' actually stands for 'cube' in mathematics calculation, so it is pronounce as 'ICE Cube'. Pretty interesting right..LOL
The gathering, this time manage to have a more interaction with they all especially Peng, really happy to meet up with her again after so long. All the chatting was fun and interesting, no doubts our Mr Lim came out with all those funny stuffs again but after all he manage to create the fun atmosphere BUT please don't ever do what you did yesterday at the cafe again..! Haha
Today is a Sunday which means tomorrow will be the 2nd week of my job. The feeling is quite neutral and well.. never mind, I also find it hard to describe by words.Shall be looking forward to school life again!
Today is a bit packed for me, meet xing for swim and going to free market with QC and also meeting up with Joe to buy donuts.
The free market was amazing! you can almost anything from things that you really can't sell at all until expensive stuffs like lap tops all these. Pretty interesting but the weather seems to be too good today that we feel like being burned while wondering around. Well, if you wanna find any cheap things, try your luck over there and who knows you might be able to get things that cost $80 over at a price of $20++
talking about donuts, today was my first attempt for 'Donut Factory'. Don't laugh at me alright, although I'm have tried quite a lot of different foods in Singapore, I am still a lazy person to queue up for some donuts. The main purpose of going there was because Joe wanted to buy some for his family and treat our friends from PM. I also brought some for my parent to try too.. I am a good son right..Haha
Guys! Must thanks Boss lehz.. So happy right, last time chocolate by me and this time donut by Joe...LOL
Whole body feel like burning, feel so 'SEXY' now....Well well..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, September 5, 2007,8:29 AM Blur King
Alright...... I am so blur that I actually miss my basic theory test which was a few days ago Busy with exams and busy with enjoyment after exams What a bad lesson to learn, wasted some cash for nothing Anyway I didn't manage to even read the book yet, chance of passing won't be high too Theory is alright but not sure about the practical part, hope I will be 'ever-ready' for it.
Anyway saw this website and I find it useful and nice It's a website for designers and artists to put their art pieces for public viewing Got many beautiful and interesting stuffs inside Here's some sample and if you interested to see more, go to my link 'Others'-'ART meets application' and explore.. Have fun!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, September 4, 2007,7:46 AM Temp Working Adult Period
So... Today is the 2nd day at work Actually I don't have much things to comment about this job this time, is just those typical office work that you all are familiar with. The people there are quite alright, although not much of communication around but working environment is still not bad after all. Quite a small office but still a good place to work.
First time getting a office job, sort of like not really get used to it yet. Although it will be a great experience working in a IT department and given the chance to learn new IT skills, a little bit of stress is definitely there. Well but I believe in myself and at the end of the day, I will gain new knowledge and improve myself.
It's still early at the moment, everything is hard to predict but I will try to bring out the best in me. Seriously saying, studying and working are so much different, the fact is that student life is always the BEST! Treasure it while we can!
Getting older each day is like one step further away from my fantasy dreams Yesterday was so far away and Tomorrows might not be easy to face I like to listen to things that others said to me They told me to put commas to all the endless happiest things And A full stop to end all the miseries......... ^_^
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Advertisement Time!
Attention people out there! First time advertising a website in my blog This time I'm going to introduce you a online boutique which belongs to a good friend of mine
For all dear ladies.. if you prefer a simple yet comfortable design for your daily apparel, this will be the best place for your collection. Nothing beats a elegant style and colorful colors always brighten up your day.
VISIT: http://pinkbubblegirls.blogspot.com
Competitions are all around but you can choose the style Bring out of the best in you and the best is to get it now... COOL
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, September 2, 2007,7:59 AM The First 100th And New Days Ahead!
Finally after 2 weeks of 'fighting'... I am back! Did anyone miss me..LOL
A lot of things to write and share with your guys but I just mention some will do.
Clubbing is cool and fun alright, but it doesn't mean that you are a bad boy if you club during the exam period... Because I just did that last Saturday night! I know it will be a little rush for me as my study duration was reduced but since it was for Ying's birthday celebration, I won't mind at all. Seriously saying, I like this group of girls because apart from being a good friends of us, they always gave a lot of support and never fail to give a big smile in front of us. It feels great to have friends who are supportive and easy-going.
Talking about exams, I don't really how to express my thoughts for it but simply saying, I have tried to put in my effort and since everything is done, let nature takes it's course then.
Friday finally came and the expectation is... PARTY TIME! After the last paper that morning, DC and I met Mun wai they all to watch movie.
Movie at 'GV'? Well no.. Cathay? Nope.. Shaw? No again.. Then at where? .............
He messaged me to go to a lecture hall and finally the answer revealed, we are going to watch movie at a school lecture hall! Wow it feels so good and enjoyable to have the whole lecture hall as your movie theater and five of us occupying the whole big room with the control access to the computer, internet, projector, volume and light effect. Xin yuan brought his hard disk and we watched two movies, we brought snacks and drinks into lecture hall and is the totally the same feeling when we are watching movie at the real cinema. What a great first time experience that I have..
Just a advice from me, don't go for the 50% waffle with ice-cream at the 'Changing Appetite' which are located at Marina Square. I don't hate their food and in fact most of their good like burgers and dessert is super nice, however that night we are quite disappointed with their services, pastas and waffle. Services was so low class, it apply not only to the staffs there but even the manager as well. The service was blur and 'funny' that he don't understand what we are talking about, the manager was worse as he seems to be like the coffee shop uncle who even know the basic F&B services. The waffle was quite bad, luckily the chocolate ice-cream manage to cover it or else the comment I gave will be a 'WORSE'. Bad dinner day for me but a happy mood always save the day.
Tomorrow shall be my first day at work! This time I will be working as a typical IT department office boy at Ubi area. Quite looking forward to it because apart from being a poor boy recently, I think is time to work again after resting for so long since my previous job at PM. First time office experience and I hope this will be a good start.
The pay is one thing but all I wish for is a group of great people at work, I will be freak out again if I met into people who are acting gay, being so damn bias and only try to sort things out after I compare and comment about them. Leadership involves so many matters and it doesn't mean using position to speak to others, this just make them look more stupid. Not showing off or what ever, at least I have taken leadership course and I admit myself as a potential leader, have you?
Actually this is my 100th entry of my blog and I decided to start this entry with a new blog skin! Some told me it looks emotional and don't express the meaning of happiness anymore. All I can say is that happiness is deep within your heart, even during the darkest time, if you put trust in your happiness and being a loyal friend with it, happiness will never vanish. It sounds funny but is a truth that you will believe in.
2.1 is over and two months of school vacation, quite a few things to achieve during this period and lots of thing for me to explore and enjoy. It's a new days ahead!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
“On the day when it was raining,
the feeling seems to be so cool
raining moment is still so true
wish that life can always be that peaceful"true”
"Happiness is the thing that I'm being searching for,