If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 ft.Rihana
Sunday, October 28, 2007,7:37 AM
1st Week Finish..
Well first week of the new semester have passed..
I didn't skip any lesson this week! So good boy worz..lol
But next week onwards then very hard to say already :P
New classmates are quite alright and most of the things around seems to be quite fine too, hope everything will go smoothly all the way then...
Oh heard Janice that she went to the Halloween's party at ZOUK last Saturday night, make me jealous sia..lol , I always wanted to go for this kind of party one instead of those normal clubbing night. Must try something special and interesting occasionally, I hope to open a party too for my 21st birthday next year but cost is high man, need to consider bah.. Any donation pls..? ^_-
Although got some plans to carry out now but need to find a part-time job as well, mother's income might not be so stable in near future. So don't think that I am those who can't think realistic enough, when situation are needed, I'm always ready to face it.
Saw some of my PM friends blog regarding the temporary location that they will be going during the one month renovation. I was just wondering when did PM have a outlet at Kallang there? Well a bit outdated already but the main point maybe one day I will go down there to visit Abby or maybe Liyue also since she also over there. Never heard any things about Abby for long already, just hope she is doing fine all these time. Hmm don't how the new outlet will look like after it move down..
Anyway I have become a game distributor recently and all the games that I have is
Over there--------------------> My Lappy
Wanna see more? Call this no. 9xxxxxxx
*When you seems to be so far away
*I hope for one thing which is you to stay
*To listen to that few words that you reluctant to say
*Been away for far too long
*But never believe that you be gone
*If choose not to leave here anymore
*Just hold on to me and never let go...
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, October 25, 2007,5:28 AM
So Far Away........
"Far Away"
This time, This place
Misused, Mistakes
Too long, Too late
Who was I to make you wait
Just one chance
Just one breath
Just in case there's just one left
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I miss you
Been far away for far too long
I keep dreaming you'll be with me
and you'll never go
Stop breathing if
I don't see you anymore
On my knees, I'll ask
Last chance for one last dance
'Cause with you, I'd withstand
All of hell to hold your hand
I'd give it all
I'd give for us
Give anything but I won't give up
'Cause you know,
you know, you know
So far away
Been far away for far too long
So far away
Been far away for far too long
But you know, you know, you know
I wanted
I wanted you to stay
'Cause I needed
I need to hear you say
That I love you
I have loved you all along
And I forgive you
For being away for far too long
So keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
'Cause I'm not leaving you anymore
Believe it
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
Keep breathing
Hold on to me and, never let me go
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, October 23, 2007,7:10 AM
Dinner Time
Ended school quite early today, so seems to have a lot of free time as it's still quite relax during the first week of the semester..
Mother working hour has changed since transferring to another outlet, therefore won't have so much time to prepare dinner like she used to be..
So if there no one else cooking dinner and since I'm quite free
Who should cook??
That's me! LOL
Today Dinner Menu: BBQ Chicken Chop

I love cooking! occasionally I mean..haha
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, October 22, 2007,8:54 AM
A New Buddy!
Yesterday I just got myself a new buddy and this new buddy is....
A new 'PIANO BLACK PSP SLIM' !!!!!!!
woohoo... The feeling was so shiok lohx when I going to collect it but on the other hand feeling a bit pain that my $400 just vanished like that.. Has being considering for quite some time already cos previously my plan for this year was a Digital Camera
HOWEVER.. this one won't be a regret at all as apart from being a game console, I believe my new buddy will become a great tool and device my other uses in future. Great multi-function and is very light too, not so heavy like the older version and is more easier to carry around too..
So happy la k.. so now

Support www.qisahn.com for their PSP and Nitendo Consoles, parts and accessories !
Reasonable price and great quality! No Regrets.
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Old Photos..
Alright it's another photo debts but late is always better than nothing right..LOL
It's the 'awesome 3' again! Taking Neo-prints are really fun and interesting, might look childish but hey.. did I ever say I am very mature?? Hehe
Another great memory..

>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
No More Work... Study!
Update Time!
Quite a lot of things and feeling to express but will try to make it short and sweet..
So.. last Friday just ended my office job
Really glad to get this job this time, must thanks Xing for bringing me into the company
Good salary and so far is the highest that I ever get in my working life, consider to be a easy job although did met into some difficulties along the way. However people there are quite patience with me and quite happy that I have learned some new stuffs over there.
I wanna thanks people like Yiikii and Lam who have being guiding me all the time, they are really a group of very nice people and have take care of me all the while. Unfortunately the holiday wasn't long enough, otherwise I would be more glad to work for a few more weeks before going back to school!
First time office job experience has change a lot on my view towards this particular job. Used to think that office job are a bit 'scary' with people who like to shoot arrows and play politics around the office. But after all these while one conclusion that I can say is that every type of jobs will have this kind of problem and at the end of the day is actually up to us on how to handle it. Too many different types of people around us and is so damn hard to figure out who they really are, just learn how to protect yourself and always be good to them at the first place..
Because before you want to gain anything from anyone, learn how to 'give' to them first..
That's what I believe..
Alright so today was the first day in school, not much great feeling about it but still feel great that I can go back and become a student again.
No longer the same class with Rosie and DC due to different elective now but luckily got two subjects that are same with Shawn Ho, not so lonely I guess..LOL
Time table is not bad for me this time,
Monday two labs and lesson ends at 3, Tuesday 10 - 1, Thursday 9 - 1 , Friday 9 - 12, Wednesday is the worse for me as it starts from 8 and ends at 6!
But still got two hours plus break in the middle, not so stress..
Quite a lot of free time and lesser tutorials this time which means can skip more lectures! Haha..
And I finally got into Account CDS this time, I know is a lot of long calculations to do but involving with cash is always part of my interest you see.. NICE..
Well I never regret going into 'Robotics'. I like to do things that are more than just knowing how to do it such as software programming, don't you think that the satisfaction is even higher if you can manage to create a hardware or product with your own hand and skill? At least when the last day of my life have arrive, I have done something that are meaningful and I can be proud of myself! Is not for pride or huge honor but just a simple happiness with no regrets.
Need to cherish the moments now, 1 year plus will pass very fast and after that I will have to face 'real' things already. Not scared or what but just hope to enjoy more student life for now.. Erm of cos not retaining alright! ^^
So let's buck up and hope this would be another great semester k!
Must aim to pull up my GPA this time and hopefully improve everything in life too!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, October 21, 2007,7:38 AM
Shall update my blog tomorrow
Damn busy and feeling very tired now, lots of things to update..
Semester 2.2 starting tomorrow!
Hope everything will go smoothly like it used to be..
My brain tell me to Sleep now!!!
Go Go Go..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, October 15, 2007,7:47 AM
Week Before The First
Alright so quite busy for the past few days and therefore is time to blog again! Hoho
This week shall the last before the holiday ends and so I must enjoy myself on this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday!
Too bad that week days can't enjoy but working life is still quite good for me now, well of cos can't compare to my previous job at PM
Talking about this, last Saturday I did went back to PM Bugis for dinner as usual it's quite crowded but still manage to get a good seat. It was a second time that Chester serve me and I was a bit surprise when he ask me this, 'Ask you ah, the food here taste good meh?' It actually also means why I like to go there often. I didn't answer him but later Mr Lim actually gave me a very good answer for this.. ' It's not the food that attracts you to return but it's all the good memory that you have shared with this place and people which makes you wanted to go back.'
Quite true in his sentence.. So much working experiences since 14 and I consider PM as the one that change a huge part of my life. Those bad memory I shall let it go away from me, might not be able to be in good stand or agree with everyone there but I guess I have grown from it and who knows we might become good friend one day.
The renovation will begin on next Tuesday (23 Oct), people and place might change but memory never vanish, so always remember that.
Oh and Bel finally send a e-mail to me on FACEBOOK a few days ago! So glad to heard from her again and I really miss her a lot!! I guess everyone from PM also miss her a lot too.. And I'm very happy when she told me she's doing fine now over there.. Really really hope to meet up with her again.. So Bel! Must find us when you ever come back to Singapore again k! ^^
Well well anyway..Don't really have a complete plan for the weekends yet but no worry man, it will still be a fun weekend..
Very true about this..
It's not the place that brings out the fun but is the people around you that make the best part of it..
Again I have a new plan in mind again.. BUT this time I'm serious in doing it and we are going to start next week.
Another conclusion that we made..
Our life can be filled with targets and dreams
But it's always empty when you never started it
A beginning of one step can make a difference in it
Once that first step started you will look forward for next week
A same but fresh achievement that you will enjoy since that week
Life might change with a lot of different meaning
But you are the author who are going to write your own HISTORY!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, October 11, 2007,8:11 PM
My Personality Test!
Well suddenly got bored at office even though got things to do..lol
Anyway I was doing some personality test earlier on, so wanna put the result on my blog for viewing..haha..lame..
Oh there are actually more testes from this website call 'Blogthings', I think some of you might have heard before, if you free and feel like trying it, just go to my link under 'Others' and click 'Blogthings'. Not totally accurate but is still quite true in some sense..hoho
Your Hidden Talent |
 You are a great communicator. You have a real way with words. You're never at a loss to explain what you mean or how you feel. People find it easy to empathize with you, no matter what your situation. When you're up, you make everyone happy. But when you're down, everyone suffers. |
You Would Do Most Things For Love |
 You are willing to go pretty far for love - but not far enough to compromise your core values. Love is a priority for you, and you'll go further than most people to hold on to someone you love. But killing for love? Or even taking a bullet? Probably out of the question. No matter what, you love yourself the most! |
You Are a Link Blogger! |
 Your blog is more about cool links than thougtful posts. Better to be entertaining and breif than longwinded and boring! |
Your Birthdate: April 27 |
 For you, love is a feeling that lingers for really long time - even after a relationship is totally over. In fact, you still make have strong feelings for the first person you fell in love with. You usually are reluctant to end relationships. And sometimes you're the last to know that things are ending!
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 5
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 5
You are most compatible with people born on the 9th, 18th, and 27th of the month. |
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >

NAH! See my cat above and you will know that I'm in a 'ROCKING' mode..LOL
HOWEVER..getting more and more tired as days goes by, sleep was just enough but don't know why occasionally I will become restless easily.
Fill with too many things in my brain again I guess..
IF I have made the right choice to let you walk away from my sight then why does your name keep appearing in my mind..
Should I return or should I not..
IF you are not the one for me then
why do I still dream about you during all nights
I am learned not to afraid and finding back all my courage
IF both of us are truly meant for each other then will happiness always be there for us
I don't even dare to think about it...
Sometimes I like to think a lot about what I want to do, my dreams and imagine myself as someone else. I always believe that life will be much more interesting if you can become many different roles along the way..
In my 'Top 10 world of roles imagination', I saw myself as a
1) Successful business man (Typical & Boring)
2) Singer or Rock Star? (Wild yet Stupid Dream)
3) Dance Instructor (Hot & Cool!)
4) Artist/Designer (Beauty & Stylish)
5) Chef (Tough but great satisfaction)
6) Driver (Just Like Driving In 'Initial D')
7) Fighter (I am not a LOSER!)
8) Sports Athletics (Great Determination)
9) Diver (I Love Sea!)
10) Army/Police Officer (Glory!)
Humans always to link many things with the word 'IF'
'If given me a chance again, I will not make that mistake again!'
'If I am rich/caring enough, she will not break up with me'
'If more time was given, I will achieve in a lot of things and my goals'
Now here's the funny part, if the scenario ever happen again in future, will you prevent yourself from making all these mistakes again? Confusing ya.. cause seriously even I also can't predict about it. So what's another morale of this event? Since you can't predict what will happen in future, why bother to think and make so much preparation now.. BUT if you don't plan for your future, you will achieve nothing... So in the end which one shall we choose?
Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today
‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right
And though I can’t be with you tonight
You know my heart is by your side
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, October 7, 2007,8:25 PM
no no no no no
come on 改变自己
no no no no no
come on 改变自己
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
10 days countdown will officially starts tomorrow
Xing going for his police academy on Tuesday, another have left
Just hope he will find a new target in life and achieve it..
It was a boring Sunday, not much things to do but just having a long rest at home
Lost $3 at mahjong game last night but somehow I feel that my gambling luck is coming back, let's hope this will continue then.. Coming Friday Mahjong at DC place want? LOL
A bit disappointed in something recently, I really don't wish to repeat this so many times..
I never like to force people to do things and I even dislike it when people blame me for things that gone wrong.
PLEASE! LAST reminder that I'm giving, if I ever ask you to do/contribute something and you have agreed to it, don't complain to me when you find it uncomfortable. I just don't understand this, should have stop asking so much things at the beginning. WHATEVER..
I wanna play 'Monster Hunter'!
But first I need to get a PSP Slim... Should I buy it??
2 weeks for me to consider, give me some advices can..
Suddenly have this urge to find a girlfriend
But my financial status is still not stable yet, I just couldn't settle down at the moment..
Still playful I guess.. or maybe I have become a greedy guy..
One thing that I figure out recently, most of the my female friends have got themselves boyfriends who are a few years older than them and all have finished NS.
So I became a bit curious, will NS really make a man settle down?
And should we find a girlfriend who are few years younger than us so that it will look more compatible?
Saw that girl working at a retail shop located at Ngee Ann City's basement, she was the first one that attracts me when I came to TP at the first semester. There was once that I almost went to take the number from her, however I can't find any guts in it. Is not like me when I'm actually someone who is quite daring in this kind of thing, maybe I don't have faith in myself. It's always a very stupid thing when I encounter this problem, is not the first time already, need to learn something new to boost my faith then..
Another boring entry I think..
Blogging has slowly become a part of my life, I have wrote a lot of things already but somehow there's still something missing from it...
What kind of person am I?
If you are a good friend of mine, how much do you understand about me?
Do you really know who I am?
Too flexible but..
it's getting weird because sometimes I don't even know who I really is..
None Will Understands U When U Don't Even Understands Yourself
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, October 4, 2007,5:05 AM
2nd Chalet
Ended our chalet yesterday..
Comparing the previous one with with this, I can only say that both are equally not bad
Had a lot of great foods and quite a lot of laugher with them
Although this time most of the preparations were done last minutes but it proves to be just enough for the whole chalet. Quite busy and lazy to prepare many things nowadays, so what if I prepare so much but not everyone showing the appreciation, just take things for granted only. Hey but still thanks those who show a lot of appreciation to me, don't need to mention but you know who you are..
Nah.. Not angry or what, I'm tired to speak out so much nowadays, everyone have their reason in doing anything. This will be the last time I doing it and in future I will not be a busybody anymore, is either you follow or you quit and lead. Action speaks louder than words..
Frankly speaking I like the atmosphere of the resort and somehow it gave me a illusion that I was staying at Malaysia for the moment. The air was quite fresh, I really like the quiet and relaxing feeling , no computers, problems and reality stuffs to face, just enjoy a simple happiness with great friends around.
Oh ya two more thing to mention, first is that the 'Old Changi Hospital' was located on the upper left hill of our chalet building, if you belong to those who like to visit there, choose Ahola Changi as your next chalet then, so near that it only takes you a few minutes to walk up there. Second is that there are a LOT of cats around our chalet! they are like one big cat mafia gang sia, keep coming to us for food, pretty annoying but some of the kitties are cute..LOL
Well back to work today which also means back to the reality world, like what Janice said, it so sickening to go back and face all these craps, if only time allow us to have more of it, life will just be so great!
Well tomorrow maybe meeting Jin they all for dinner at Geyland! I haven't went there for a very long time already or should I say I don't even remember when was the last time I went there to eat. It's getting really fast now.. Friday is just 2 hrs later and after work tomorrow I shall begin my official 10 days count down..LOL
I love chalet, people tend to be more relaxing during this moment and know more about simple happiness. Is tiring at the start but enjoyable process along the way. I have understand more things now, is time to let it go and become who I really am. Sorry if I have change, it's not a way of improving but this time I choose to be like this, maybe life shouldn't be so tough after all.
How's the chalet? Let the photo show you then..
or check it out from chiat heng they all de blog bah..

Children day just passed a few days ago, I wanna become kids again..
Everything just seems to be so fun and happy..
I think I slowly turning into my old state..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, October 3, 2007,7:59 AM
Zouk Out Sat Night
I am back again after 3 days!
A late entry but still wanna post up some nice photos that we took on last sat
Oh me and Xing saw Ashley at the club too, a very pretty girl from our secondary school..
Till this day I still find her very hot and gorgeous..oh mine..

I am a poor man and so I need to find more money for my club entry
And that day I got...70cents as my tips!
So happy can..LOL
Welcome 2 'ZOUK'!

Help! I am hidden in the dark..............

Aiyo..Not bad mah..
Aiyo Aiyo Oh Aiyo Aiyo Oh Oh
Aiyo.. Lame...

Gossip time!
Couple of the night..opps.. =x

Let us Kiss Kiss Kiss and we kiss all night wu wo ho ^^

We are 'Shin Hwa'! hohohoho

Nobody wanna see us together but it don't matter no
Cos we are TOGETHER!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >