If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 ft.Rihana
Monday, January 28, 2008,7:27 AM
Our Design!
Alright another update now..
Damn busy and tired recently, maybe have some frustration as well..
Well shall talk about it again when I cleared all my stupid project..
So last Friday while we were having lunch at our school canteen 'Short Circuit', a lady approach us and want us to help ''magnolia" in decorating on the canteen table. Although we have to do project but when you have the chance to vandalize legally, I will love to help out in the design! ^^
So here are our design of the day..


It's damn nice right.. LOL
Well well..
Time to get back to work.. Update again then.
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, January 13, 2008,2:27 AM
Christmas Photos!
Alright is time to update again... oh well not really about updating because I'm just posting some photos that we took on Christmas 2007. I don't know why usually I have to wait for quite some time before getting the photos but of cos late is always better than nothing at all.
Ying! free free to get the photos from this entry, sorry now then able to post it.
So here it goes....

Well well.. someone just brought a new shoes and wanna show off lohx...LOL
Anyway.. Guess whose shoes is this?

Beside a tiny little tree is 'SEXY, NAUGHTY, BASTARD' me! ^^
So........ Don't you hope your boyfriend was 'HOT' like me?

Our lovely ladies of the night!!

The usual gang of 3 'Botaks' & 1 'Ah Beng'...
Next year it will be 3 'Uncles' & 1 'Botak' ! Oh my...

The whole gang of 'friends forever'
Is very happy to know all of them and I'm glad to have them as my friends for life
I'm not sure about the word 'Forever' but treasuring is a more important thing to me now..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, January 1, 2008,6:15 AM
Reflection of 7 and Arrival of 8
First of all..
Today is the first day of year 2008 and 2007 has become a part of our history.
So many words to say but it's more than words to describe it out.
Many different things and events will happen every single years; Our study/career life, love and friendship, financial issue, family matters and etc. In the year of 2007, I have learned many new things in life, so valuable that it costs me with certain 'price'.
Well there's only one main point that I wanna share about.. So here it goes then..
Maintaining love and friendship wasn't easy at all. Although being mentioned in my previous entries before but a blog can never explain the true feeling of losing some valuable things from me at all. It's not about sadness and please don't even talks about regretting, this word is just some worthless shit that will pull you away from advancing in life.
Knowing this can't really improve in anything now, but a SORRY is still the word that I have to say to some of you. Everyone of us were wrong at certain stages and that's what caused the end to everything we used to have. You might have your own points that I didn't agree with it sometimes, there's actually no right or wrong to anything cos it's only comes with one main purpose and that's to give in the best from us for all our loves one.
But... when stuck in that situation, I then realize I wasn't that mature enough to handle every part of it.
However I would like to thank some of you for pushing me to see even further and know more things in me, you all have always being a good friend to me but I'm still not good enough in treasuring you. Forgive me if you can but is a happiness within me when seeing you having happy life. It takes a while to build up a relationship but a lifetime to maintain every single part of it.
I believe that's someone out there who will control our life, not talking about GOD and any religion matters but he/she is the one who will decide the fairness in your life. I seldom believe in fairness in this society now but I do believe that you will gain something with a price of losing something in life. Remember the quote that I wrote in one of my previous entry?
'GAIN' for a LOST' , that's what I'm talking about.
No difference in every years, we all will gain something for a lost but after gaining all those that we want, we really need to learn on how to treasure it!
For a new year of 2008, there's few target that I will try my best to achieve and also thinking of picking up old dreams that I have abandoned in the past. Money is important but none is more valuable to health, I am determine in quiting smoking completely and cut down as much alcohol as possible too. Luckily I don't really like drinking, so guys if next time you see me ordering ice-water at a pub, don't be surprise. This year I'm focusing on saving and earning money for my Taiwan Trip too! well it also means not spending much for my 21st birthday, but I still prefer my Taiwan Trip! Haha
I strongly believe Year 2008 will be a very good one for me and hope by the end of year, I will let all my dear friends to see some achievement in me! :D
For all my friends out there.. believe in dreams is not a fool but a fool is someone who don't believe in themselves, it's not about being daring but rather how you trust yourself in life.
Trust me when I say this, as you grow older, you will eventually give up something in life and exchange for a belief in yourself.
Hope all the best in everything that you do this year and enjoying every single happiness in life!
We all knew that we can't fly
But we created planes that make us fly to the sky
It's dreams that created planes alive
And it's dreams which make us believe that we can fly!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >