If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 ft.Rihana
Sunday, April 27, 2008,8:48 AM
Missing Photos
Here's some photos that I previously left out..

Find our posts in this following photo familiar ?
Here's the Singapore version of 'Step Up 2' !!

I love dancing and I love this move! ^^

More photos of my birthday to be update soon!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, April 25, 2008,8:11 AM
It's the Day
First of all, if you want to ask how's my SIP going, I can tell you that it sucks and 'no life'.
Of cos the reason is due to the fact we haven't really start doing the main task yet, however I find my working environment is really boring and too far away from the 'Mushroom'. This is a bad thing to me because it means I have to alight at TP 2nd bus stop and and if it rain, there's no shelter for us to walk into the campus. To make it worse, I won't be able to see so many babes around! Sianz..
The number 21 is coming real soon, it can stands for a lot of thing but I see myself as a young kid who still has a long way to go in life.
Really tired now, don't really know what to say now...
Just a simple conclusion for the past few days = Disappointment, Unpleased and Bored.
More to update soon..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, April 20, 2008,10:39 AM
Back to school
Just came back from work and guess what?
Later is going back to school again!
Feeling is quite random now as still quite blur about what we going to do for this new semester.
If I didn't guess wrongly, the project that is given to us comes from NTU and NUS.
Well look exciting to me and a bit of pressure too, I always give myself a certain standard for something that I have confident in. Hopefully all instructions are clear and we can start work as soon as possible.
Okay la seriously saying, we will slack quite a bit at the beginning but most importantly is to get everything done by end of the day.
Going to Year 3.1, I can only say that we really need to treasure the remaining time that we have as Poly student. I don't intent to speak about the past cos it is something that can't be change, but future is in my own hand and is always up to me to make decisions in my own life.
Alright Sem 3.1, HERE I COME!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, April 16, 2008,1:54 PM
One piece of advice to give especially to the ladies out there..
Please don't fucking get drunk if you know you can't drink that much
Furthermore, if the group of people that you went clubbing with are not that close or even first time going with them, please be smart and take good care of yourself.
You wanna go clubbing? then don't behave like kids.
You wanna have fun and enjoy? then don't be some cheapo who can't even come up with own money for enjoyment.
First time clubbing? never mind you are forgiven.. but if you don't even know how to protect yourself in a unfamiliar environment, please don't go club at all.
That's all I have to say..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, April 15, 2008,12:08 PM
Ai Wo Bie Zhou
因为我在想你 爱我别走
Heard this old song quite a few times during work shift at 'Dragonfly', everything about the song is simple and straight forward. The feeling is there, but we usually choose to walk away...
Someone from my work place came up with this sentence that is so damn true in life
'It's easy to cover and push the responsibility away when things goes wrong but it's difficult to show that you are right when you are doing the right thing.'
Human beings are usually 'blind', too bad I'm one of them too, I wanna be some 'smart ass' but my kindness always bring me away. Can I be more cruel now? I really wanna try being a bad person someday so that at least I know why there's so many bad ass around..
Yeah next Monday is the new semester! I'm really looking forward to it..
Also looking forward to 27th April ! Cool ^_-
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, April 13, 2008,10:40 PM
Talk a lot
I won't dare to say I have seen or go through the most but compare to most people around me, I definitely seen a lot of different people and had a lot of different experiences throughout my life.
Haha sounds like I'm pretty old but seriously saying, all these unhappiness and bad experiences that happened on me in the past have makes me more stronger and firm. Is not the matter of age or professions, most importantly is whether you willing to learn and appreciate it.
Today I have one topic to share with you which is about the senior staffs at work place.
Question: Do you know what's the difference between most senior staffs and newcomers?
Answer: They like to talk a lot and point you to do this do that, but they don't do it to show you.
It's really stupid and funny, how are you going to earn your respect when you can't even show them that you can do all these little things first. I don't bluff you on this because I have met some really good seniors who do it and shown you first before asking you to follow the steps. I show a lot of respect to this kind of people because 'Action Speaks Louder Than Words!'
One more stupid thing about some human beings, do we look like some retards to them because I really don't understand why they're treating others like idiots? Some inductions are already clear and straight forward, if we do not understand we will ask till we get the right direction. If you keep pointing and reminding us on every single steps, might as well you just do it yourself and stop wasting precious time.
I'm not the first day at work and in fact I'm reaching my 8 years of working experiences already, this is not a show off because sometimes experiences don't prove anything, but at least for my case, I'm those type who's willing to learn, appreciate, do it and show it.
My temper is just like a volcano and I'm not kidding about that, most of the time I'm seen as a very kind person at work, however if anyone force me to reach my boiling point, you shall see some explosion from me. This apply to anyone even the boss, those who know about my past surely know that I'm not scared of those 'Big Heads' at work.
Luckily the current management is still not bad but I have this strong feeling that soon there will be some changes around and management style will be different. However is not much concern to me as I'm not going to stay for long, once I reach the amount of salary I want, I will leave and get some good rest before getting the next job.
I'm glad that I have gone through more things than others at a younger age, if all these happen to we when I'm all independent by yourself, it is much much harder to handle and learn from it. Talking a lot is not a sin, in fact is a way to make your life more enjoyable and fun.
However talk a lot for some negative purpose, you are just creating more sin in you!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, April 10, 2008,10:06 AM
I hate and very sorry to say this to some retards at my work place..
I don't mind if there's not enough people working along the way but most importantly is the teamwork that counts, I really can't figure out why there's always some retards who are so inconsiderate and like to act in front of the boss only.
I know the meaning of 'Pai Ma Pi', I also do that now occasionally but in long terms wise this can't help you much. Please understand that someday you have to face and handle everything by yourself, not for the purpose of showing anyone how fake or capable you are, but at least 'Dui De Qi Zi Ji' and get real experiences in life.
Seriously I'm thinking of changing job, the main reason is not because of anyone there but just that I'm too sick of F&B line already. Although I'm familiar with this line but if you know me well, I'm not those type who like to get stuck at one place for long, I wanna get a new job and get to learn some new skills.
Didn't really get some good rest since started this job, night shift is really not that easy as I thought. The job is not really too tough but I can't explain why I getting a bit bored to it already. Most of the people there are nice and fun to work with, customers wise I think is still alright.
See how bah, shall wait for the new semester to start first and then I will make a decision whether to stay or go...
Where is the love?
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, April 6, 2008,2:03 PM
'Monday Morning Blue'
Is 5Am in the morning and I just came back from work, only one sentence to describe me now which is 'I'm fucking tired!!'
However can't straight away go to bed now due to my wet hair, so while waiting I suddenly have the mood to write something down here.
I think I'm becoming more like a listener instead of the one who talks a lot in the past. Heard a lot of stories from many different people around me, many thoughts and advices to give, however sooner or later there's one fact that everyone has to face which is how you going to handle your life in your own hand. We can't make much improvement in a lot of things and don't even talk about changing it, many things get out of control easily and people around us always taking advantage on appreciation. We are still young and the life experiences that we have are very limited, I can give you one conclusion that I have after working in club area for the past few days.
Many Singaporean which include working adults and so call 'Higher Class' group of people are all the same in one way, they have no idea what they are looking for in life and they are no difference from any teenagers, it's so funny when you look at the way they trying to enjoy themselves.
I know I like to make a lot of comments on other however did I said that I'm always right?
At least I'm glad to say that I know my weakness and I know what my life is going about.
Please don't ever say or tell me what to do on certain things if you have never experience it yourself before, you have never taste the feeling of it and so don't make any assumption to it, you are just making you look stupid.
Talking about confident is one thing, how to build up confident is another thing and how to maintain confident is even different from the previous two. So now I'm telling you this, you are never perfect in this world but you can be the best among all. There's always someone else who are better than you in certain things, so if you have no confident in life, you will never find the best out of you. Search for your own confident in various ways but don't think you are the smart one, smart people never admit that they are the cleverest around.
Anyway I have removed my tag box as firstly I'm not interested in looking comments anymore since most will just visit without tagging, secondly I don't want to see some lame comments anymore from anyone! Last but not least, I'm lazy to reply ^_-
We talk about the future and not the history now.
If she deserved to be loved, she will find her love. Fate is uncontrollable which makes it so valuable. Don't love someone anymore doesn't mean completely no love, if time allows the right one to enter, I'll know how to love.
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, April 3, 2008,8:34 AM
Something that I said while with a friend earlier on..
When it comes to regretting and losing face
Which one do you think is the worst case?
For me, losing face is just for that particular moment and it won't really hurts you deeply, instead you learn something from it.
Regretting on the other hand, you will remember it for life and you didn't get anything in the end.
So which one is better, you always have the right to choose..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >