If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 ft.Rihana
Tuesday, May 27, 2008,7:11 AM
If you have been watching the 9pm Drama '变奏曲' on Channel 8, you will definitely heard of this song at the start of the show.
He is the latest talent in our local music industry and his song '一人一半' from '881' makes him a popular figure all over Singapore.
Saw him last Sunday at 'Dragonfly' while clubbing with my colleagues, he look just like anyone of us but his unique and beautiful voice touches our heart.
Bringing you the following song by him..
伍家辉 空缺
当你关上了门离开 这个房间
关上了仅有的光线 只剩想念
月亮的背面 写满了我们的细节
* 我的回忆种满你曾对我说过的预言
就当作我们不熟练 不够周全
就当作我们追不上 彼此改变
时间在后面 遥控了所有的情节
Repeat *
幸福需要的磨练 我们都误解成搁浅
活在想象的明天 忘了今天未完结
Repeat *,*
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Monday, May 26, 2008,7:35 AM
Extreme 'Stomach Day'
Today is definitely one of the worst day I ever have..
Visited toilet for nearly 10 times in a day.. Oh my!
What's the reason behind it? I really not too sure..
Maybe is due to the combination of Hennessey + Beer + White Wine in my stomach?
It's really terrible !
My supervisor will be leaving this week follow by some resignations and new people coming in.
Recently I don't feel like talking too much at work already..
Not because that I have change, just that find it a bit hard to enjoy work now.
Maybe is due to own imagination but all these while I actually have no interest of saying too much stuffs to others, so is just a bit confusing for me.
I want things to go easy now, therefore I don't wish to explain so much.
In the past I always said this to others, 'whatever you do, you do it for a simple purpose of happiness'.
If you wanna know why your life is so fucked up?
Go through everything and experience yourself!
Still can't figure out anything from it?
Just simply get your life 'fucked' up more and you will understand..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Friday, May 16, 2008,10:28 AM
After 1 Month
Sometimes we try not to make things too obvious or direct for some people, simply because we wanna give them some 'FACE'.
But please don't take this kindness for granted, after all you are the one who's going to suffer at the end of the day.
What I ask for is simple.. 'Work as a Team and Success as a Team'
Not that much or forcing anyone to do anything.
When things are simple, don't make it complicated and most of all don't put yourself into tough situation that will lose all your pride.
Be true to yourself and respect it, if you can't even respect yourself, how you want others to respect you?
Enough of these shits, let's talk about working side now.
Now the schedule is no longer handle by Nancy, Roland has taken over and I not too sure how good he is going to arrange it. As I expected, the fun moments there are getting lesser and I believe things won't get any improvement for the time being.
Just a simple thing to say, if you all want us to speak up our mind, please kindly accept things that make sense. Otherwise just be silent and carry on the dominant way of management, make things simple will do.
I willing to stay for the sake of someone who I respect and the people who I enjoyed working with. This decision will still continue, just don't force me to change.
By the way, I really hate repeating my words and so stop asking me the same questions again and again.
One month of SIP has gone, I can say that it's a pretty good start for our project and I believe we will come up with a successful product. We are lucky enough to have 2 good supervisors helping us along the way.
Love life is free and easy now, hasn't seen her for quite time at work already. What's about her that attracts me? She is who she are and she is true to herself, just being happy everyday..LOL
Able to get her number but currently too lazy to do anything, well doesn't matter cos I enjoying my own life now. I might ask her out the next time that we met, didn't work that much now but the if fate is there, no harm giving it a try? ^_-
Alright nothing more to say now, sleeping time is arriving soon..
Always remember, being true to yourself and you will live the way you want!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, May 13, 2008,8:28 AM
Belated Celebration
So is a belated birthday celebration for our beloved Hui Jin who actually shared the same birthday as me. Late celebration is always better than none, therefore last Saturday had our dinner at Bugis 'Ajisan' and follow by a KTV session at 'TOPONE' which is located opposite Bugis Junection.
Here's some photos to share, by the way I just cut my hair, so let's start with some photos of my new hairstyle! :D

I love my all my birthday gifts and this one is from them..!

The giant hand 'ATTACK'! but ended up with a 'TWO'..LOL

We met into Charmine!

Seriously reading the birthday card from us. Happy and touched right?!

Let's welcome S.H.E !

Somehow they managed to become female version of 'F4'!
Bei Ni Qu Kan Liu Xin Yu.. ^^

Seriously, don't think that I'm gay or childish.. I simply LOVE taking neoprints and photos! hoho
Although we knew each other for so long already, we never take any of this before.. This is our 'FIRST TIME' !!

Your guys are the best and I'm really fortunate to have all of you in my life. Sometimes I appear to be 'Careless' in some areas, didn't show that much concern and etc, but I will never forget everything that we went through and may our friendship last forever.
'Love is In The Air'
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Tuesday, May 6, 2008,9:37 AM
Won't Go Home Without You
I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen
She left before I had the chance to say (Oh)
The words that would mend the things that were broken
But now it's far too late, she's gone away
Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that
It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you
The taste of your breath, I'll never get over
The noises that you made kept me awake (Oh)
The weight of things that remained unspoken
Built up so much it crushed us everyday
Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?
Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that
Of all the things I felt but never really shown
Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go
I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, May 3, 2008,8:35 PM
21st Birthday !
Ya I know is already one week since my birthday but late entry is always better than none. So here's some photos to share with you all.
Starting from the photo of me and my mum!

It's time to verus!

A family photo including my god-mother at the left :)

It's time to make a wish..

And it's time to cut the cake!

From my expression, you'll know that I love my 'Happy Birthday'

It's time for some solo action ^_-

Finally some group photos :D

Well well, 21st finally arrive..
Nothing special to say, all I hope for is a smooth and happy life wherever I go.
I feel that my life is getting younger instead of older and I believe it's a good sign.
Don't think too much, that's what I always try to tell myself when unhappy things happen.
Of cos this doesn't mean escaping from problems, problems are for us to solve and not running away.
I'm quite positive with many things now, some are disappointment but I don't really give a fuck about it. I always live the best for myself.
Oh before I end the entry, I really wanna say a 'Big Thanks' to everyone who came for my birthday, those who had contribute in the present-you know who you are and those who wished me 'Happy Birthday'.
Sometimes you all might see me as a lazy bum who are not initiative enough to meet up or even have some nice chatting together, but you are always someone who are appreciated by me and is part of my happiness to have all of you in my life. Somethings don't need to speak out so clearly, you heart will simply know it.
Happy 21st! ^^
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >