If I never see your face again - Maroon 5 ft.Rihana
Thursday, October 30, 2008,8:32 AM
People always think that students are wrong when it comes to argument between teachers and students.
But.. what if the teachers are the one who makes the wrong judgment and assumption?
Does the students have any right to point out their mistakes..
Just talk about the most basic thing in this incident, are teachers always right? do they willing to accept mistakes and listen to us?
I won't talk about anything towards any group members now cos I believe they all their own belief in what they are doing.
It's really damn sickening when people accused you of expressing something that wasn't meant to be. If you know my style, if you ever wanna change anything at the last minute, I need to rest a while before I get serious with the work. It's no point rushing without your brain thinking and ends up with mistakes again! Moreover we were short of materials to complete the whole thing, it's also no point patching up when the other devices are not mounted up, who knows more mistakes again... What the hell
After finish my stuffs and helping my friends, I will try to MIA until the time when it really needs me, simply saying just keep quiet along the way. Trust me, I will do that.
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, October 25, 2008,10:17 PM
Working Is Fun?!
Last night was the best night in my entire working life..
Due to the Salsa festival, it was a damn quiet night whereby the business is even worse than the weekdays, it's a Saturday you see.. Feel sad for the boss cos the business is not good and yet all of us are working and getting paid.
The last customers left at 12plus and we starts our party night! Our boss used to be a DJ and so he was the DJ of the night. Pool table became free for us and you know what's the best part.. I become a part-time singer again!
The guy who singed at our work place is call Ron if I'm not wrong, he's a American and can't image by his look that he is actually 55 this year, wow that's really cool! I always believe that the best part in life is where you can do something that you really like till you are old. So he became our pianist whereby me, Gilbert and Hubert were the singers of the night! It's sad that Ron is leaving after next week as the contact is due, he really has a very good voice compare to many singers that I see before St.James there and any other pubs that I went before, will try to take a photo with him next week before he leave man.
'Just spent half an hour for two days a week, go practice and sing with it, you can always find some time before you get old and regret'
I'm not sure about this sentence, but it somehow express some special meaning to me.
I can't stand to fly
I'm not that naive
I'm just out to find
The better part of me
I'm more than a bird... I'm more than a plane
I'm more than some pretty face beside a train
And it's not easy to be me
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Hey... hey... hey... hey... Ohhh... Ohhh Ohhh
No matter what you say about love,
I keep coming back for more,
Keep my hand in the fire,
Sooner or later I get what I'm asking for
No matter what you say about life,
I learn every time I bleed the truth is a
Stranger soul is in danger
I gotta let my spirit be free to...
Admit that I'm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on and leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry bout everything I done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once
Needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo I'll always have you
I'll always have you
I'll always have you
I'm sick of playing all of these games
It's not bout taking sides
When I looked in the mirror,
It didn't deliver, it hurt enough to think that I could stop
Admit that I'm wrong and then change my mind
Sorry but I got to be strong and leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothing's broken no need to worry bout everything I done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I love you once
Needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you
I'll always have you
I'll always have you
If I live every moment,
Won't change any moment,
There's still a part of me in u
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do.
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize nothing's broken no need to worry bout everything I done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
I loved you once
Needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're in my heart just like a tattoo
Just like a tattoo
I'll Always have you...
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Wednesday, October 22, 2008,9:07 AM
New Job
Alright no more photos for now.. just wanna blog before go sleep
So let me update with you about my new job. I'm currently working at a pub located at 'Tanjong Pagar' there, it's not those gay bar ah! lol
The pub is actually under 'NTUC Union', sounds very healthy right.. But I think there is really a pretty good place to spend your Friday Saturday night, it consists of Jackpot, live soccer telecast, live band and singing performance(the singers there are really good!), dance floor for the salsa.. sounds cool right
This is the first time that I really seen how a salsa dance looks like, to my amaze it's a really cool and beautiful art in dancing. For someone like me who can dance and love to dance, it really attracts me a lot and somehow I think I will try some lessons if I have some extra cash and time. Well not offending the girls, I'm just speaking some facts.. I used to think that most Singapore girls that I saw at clubs and even dance studio don't really know how to dance, but after seeing those salsa girls, I believe my mind-set need to change a bit.
Anyone interested in Salsa please let me know k, I'm looking for more people to join me and take up some lessons =)
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Saturday, October 18, 2008,10:11 PM
More photos!
More photos from KL-Genting Trip, actually most are my photos la.. haha can't help la i like taking photos with many pattern and poses one..lol

>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, October 16, 2008,8:57 AM
This has nothing to offend anyone, just that I like to show mun wai my middle finger..whahaha

Tomorrow is my first day at my new job, it's a bit worse that I'm not feeling well now and I'm working till 3am, haiz just hope everything will go fine then. Stupid flu!
爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个
放弃了这一个 然后等待着下一个
你给过我的 他们是做不到的
虽然过去了 我们也都经历了
释怀教育着仇恨 和平劝着天下人
故事发生了便住下了 不管好的坏的
你让我成长了 就算是痛得值得
爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个
放弃了这一个 然后等待着下一个
爱你的那一个 伤你的那一个
放弃了这一个 然后等待着下一个
离开时别忘了 看看眼前的人
流泪记住了 还是微笑祝福着
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Gathering Time
Well since I already updated and I'm not sure when I'll be really free again, shall update with another post now too.
Just the day after I came back from KL, I met up with Mr Lim and Mui! Really planned for quite some time and finally we get to meet up again. We went to 'Ministry of Food' for dinner and this is also my first time going there despite knowing about this restaurant for some time ago already. Food is not bad and as expected the dessert is the best :D

Seriously saying, this kind of food manual can make you lose your concentration on ordering your desired item because you just feel like ordering all of them!

We were so urgent that we just pee beside a monkey..LOL

>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Finally got some time to update.
So last Saturday night, me, mun wai, mong and rosie went for our 3 days 2 nights Genting-KL trip.
It was not bad and I really like the weather at Genting there, hopefully one day Singapore can be as cooling as well so that I won't sweat like mad haha..
Anyway there were quite a few of 'First Time Experiences' for me when we were at Genting.
I learn how to play the 'professional way' of bowling.
I learn how to play snooker.
First time entering a casino
First time playing table game and jackpot
First time to win at a casino
Only one word to describe = COOL! :D
So here's some photos to share, actually there are some more with Rosie there, shall upload again once I got the photos.
This photo is took before we went for our mini-kart race.
Introducing first from the left, Massa-Alonso-Hamilton
The lovely couple!
Weighting at 500lbs, the big man mun wai! LOL
As usual, people like to take a photo of his sleeping pose..
Alright it's my turn now..
Here's some random photos
Along the way we came across this man, we are still figuring out how he manage to appear on top of that shit with only showing his upper body.
We found these classic alien-predator game at the arcade, I still remembered at older days where I always played this particular game whenever I went to the arcade.
Comparing the two hotels.
This is first world hotel at Genting, pretty small and lousy
And this is the one at KL, much better right..
Speaking of first time again, we tried the so called 'Fish Reflexology whereby you put your legs into the fish pond and let the fishes enjoy their meal by eating the dead skin from your legs. Interesting but a bit itchy..lol