You heard of his name long time ago, in recent years he might change quite a lot in his appearance (I means fatter? LOL) but never the less his vocal is still that supreme! I always tried to learn the way he sing but definitely his R&B style is so special that I believe no one can overtake him. 'I'm walking away' =)
Here are the Two live videos from him - Officially yours
- Insomnia
Enjoy the music flow..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Sunday, March 22, 2009,12:26 PM Hot & Sexy & Lost
Recently I find myself falling in love with this beautiful and sexy lady. Previously well-known from the famous group 'Black Eye Peas' & started her solo singing career in recent years, her name is 'Fergie' Finding the 'spicy style' in her and her attractive vocal, she is really 'HOT'
Recently a lot of bad stuffs happened on me and even my friends around, temper might get a bit out of control at home. Sorry for my careless and not confident enough. I know I'm losing who I used to be.. it wasn't meant to be like this, where was the soul that I used to have, I believe it's time to find it back. I always have a choice, so don't give up in life!
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
Thursday, March 5, 2009,8:43 AM Since it ended
So ever since our last paper ended last Tuesday, some might wondering what I have been doing, just a little update here.
As for what I have done, simply just play and slack as my current main routine, but of cos I got go find jobs too, will go into details about this later.
As for the playing part, clubbing is definitely one of the must. Went to O-bar last Friday and Zouk for ladies yesterday. Long time never see a real photo from my blog already right, so here I am to upload ONE group photo, as for clubbing process & how we enjoyed, don't ask me so much la cos it's too common nowadays
I admit I have a really bad hair style recently ever I cut away my tail, look like 'Ah Wang' aka dennis from my previous MP However in the future I will just keep a short-hair style instead of those long-stylish type in the past.
Going to 22 already this year, I'm not really concern about how others look down on me as usual cases for my age should be 'ORD' this year, instead I'm glad to know more stuffs than them and know lots of fun people around. However the old topic is still on responsiblies. I believe I can't escape from it this time round, going to NS is a must, being a good son is a must, being a good person is a must, as for relationship, I guesss I will give it a try this time round.
Speaking about finding jobs, some people out there might find this funny, I think my passion for future is on the education side.. Ya ya friends will joke and say 'Aiya you don't go teach them bad stuffs like drinking and smoking la' 'So you are going to be the next GTO?' 'You go school recuit those kids to your gang ah? 'You going to train your new batch of Paikia?' 'You don't go scare those kids la wait they faint when you show them your angry face'
Hey come on, I know I usually talk a lot of cock but for this issue I'm not joking alright. That's the reason I been trying to find some tutor jobs recently and I even apply for the relief teacher position too.
Actually I just came back from breakdance session and we have some chat while we were resting. I think my friend is right, every jobs have their tough side but most importantly is what you like and your passions. My friend is also interested in becoming a teacher after NS and he's going for his eduction degree in NTU. If possible, I would like to join him, hopefully... Need to be firm this time round, choose wisely in what I wanna be. There's nothing wrong in being childish or stylish or heck care, but one day there will be a limit to us. As for me, it's ariving soon.
Any jobs to intro, please let me know! Wanna join me go dance, let me know! Go clubbing, I will consider cos a bit dull and poor..
>>>And is time to look for the next happiness..! >
“On the day when it was raining,
the feeling seems to be so cool
raining moment is still so true
wish that life can always be that peaceful"true”
"Happiness is the thing that I'm being searching for,